Monday, January 24, 2022

Seb Games - Battle Havoc - Dwarves and Orcs - Games Workshop - Black Tree Designs - Northumbrian Tin Soldier

 A game that caught my attention on 4chan's /TG board was Battle Havoc from Seb Games. It's a very light miniature agnostic fantasy army game. It gave me pause, largely because of the lovely Black Tree Design miniatures that accompanied it. BTD are renowned for their hilariously awful customer service, so this was a great way to gather some top-drawer minis without dealing with them directly. Turns out the ruleset is fun though I've yet to give it the time it deserves...

Northumbrian Tin Soldier Goblingtons based up ready to use as lightly armoured warriors. Seriously, NTS are my favourite new sculpts on the market.

The "savage orc" type orcs that came in the starter set.

The dwarves, again via B.T.D, that came in the starter.

Some cannons, from GW's Warhammer starter to help fill out the army lists - pretty casually slapped together, check out those mold lines. OOF.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Northumbrian Tin Soldier - Gnomes and Toads

 Northumbrian Tin Soldier create the loveliest characterful miniatures in the UK right now. They're characterful without being twee, whimsical in their approach but remain highly "gameable", at least to my eyes.

My ultimate ambition for this lot is a force for Frostgrave.

Saturday, December 11, 2021

Copplestone - Barbarians - Minotaur - old school Heroquest

More Copplestone sculpts that had to be purchased and a minotaur that's been gathering dust for quite some time - who doesn't have fond memories of all those Heroquest miniatures? More so than the game in all honesy.


Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Mark Copplestone - Chaos Warriors

Mark Copplestone has made some of my favourite sculpts over the years. His poses almost always throw great silhouettes, have a great blend of gravitas and dynamism and are always a pleasure to paint. 


Sunday, December 5, 2021

Nick Lund Orcs - Steppes orc band - Leviathan

One of those many "pity purchases" I'm prone to, thanks to ebay. These sculpts cost very little in the auction. Once they were in my hands they looked clumsy and unattractive and have stayed unpainted for more years than I care to recall. 

Lumped in alongside all of these other fantasy figures from my pile of shame I think they look great once completed - like a lot of old-school minis they were a joy to paint.

afaik, these are still on sale via Scotia Grendel. 


Wednesday, December 1, 2021

December Backlog - fetch the paint hose


There's a lot of partial or new projects here: Alternative Armies Fomorian orcs and giants ; Some Nick Lund orcs from yesteryear. Lots of Northumbrian Tin Soldier sculpts - gnomes and gobbos ; sculpts from "Battle Havoc" and extra dwarfs I had lying around ; Copplestone barbarians and chaos warriors ; rando heroes and villians.

My plan is to get them all painted before Christmas....

Seb Games - Battle Havoc - Dwarves and Orcs - Games Workshop - Black Tree Designs - Northumbrian Tin Soldier

 A game that caught my attention on 4chan's /TG board was Battle Havoc from Seb Games. It's a very light miniature agnostic fantasy ...