More powering through my pile of shame.
I've been bargain-ating some Elves from ebay for a while to replace an old much-missed army.
I really lucked out on a spectacular collection that had the worst photos I'd ever seen on ebay - thanks to whoever that was. I feel like the Elves themselves organised it. Normally this old stuff goes for eye-watering money on ebay.
There is a mix of old Copplestone Grenadier sculpts, Warhammer units from three or four editions of Warhammer and also some units sold by Black Tree Design, literally the worst company with the best miniatures that exist. I didn't get those in time for when I built and primed that lot though.
That's probably a week or so's worth. You lose track really, don't you?
A couple of Wardancers and Copplestone hero character.
Only slightly modded Copplestone minis using GW bits and pieces.
I'd forgotten how much work cavalry and chariots actually are, but these old Warhammer casts are just beautiful.
Some Dryad units.
I have no specific game in mind for this army, but as almost everyone has elf armies in their rulesets it'll be easy to field them. One hopes.
The only thing I'm missing is treeman - that, I've decided to scratch build.
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